Contract DebitOrders 1Company Information2Personal Details3Contact Details4Package & FICA Information5Terms and Conditions Company DetailsCOMPANY* TRADING AS* BUSINESS TYPE*Please SelectIndividualCCPty LtdTrustNPOREGISTRATION NO VAT NO. PRODUCTS / SERVICES* TRADING YEARS*Please Select0-1 Years1-2 Years2-5 Years5-10 Years10+ YearsWEBSITE OR FACEBOOK PAGE Personal Details- Director / OwnerNAME* SURNAME* NATIONALITY* ID / PASSPORT NO* If Passport No, Please supply date of birth as wellEMAIL* CELL* Contact DetailsPHONE* BUILDING / COMPLEX ADDRESS* CITY* PROVINCE*Please SelectEastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu NatalLimpopoMpumalangaNorth West Northern Cape Western CapeCODE* PackageDEBIT ORDER SERVICE PACKAGE* R450 Setup + R180pm + R5p/debit order + R10 p/failed debit order + Minimum Batch fee (batch less then 5 D/O) Bank Details (For Settlements & Debit Orders)ACCOUNT HOLDER* BANK NAME*Please SelectABSAAfrican BankBank of AthensBidvestCapitecFNBInvestecNedbankSA Post BankStandard BankTyme BankOtherACCOUNT NUMBER* BRANCH CODEPlease Select632005430000410506462005470010250655580105198765460005051001678910OtherACCOUNT TYPE*ChequeSavingsCurrentTransmissionCredit CardAlternative Contact DetailsALTERNATIVE CONTACTS: Please supply us with 2 Alternative Persons we may contact if your number changes or you are unreachableCONTACT PERSON* CONTACT NO* CONTACT PERSON* CONTACT NO* FICA DocumentsAs we provide a banking service, the bank requires us to keep our customers’ files FICA approved at all times. We therefore ask that you attach the following documents as indicated below.Upload a Certified Copy Of Your ID / PassportMax. file size: 2 MB.Preferably in Colour. If Passport, please submit your work permit as well.Upload Your Company Registration DocumentsMax. file size: 2 MB.Not Applicable to IndividualsUpload a Proof of AddressMax. file size: 2 MB.May not be older than 3 monthsUpload 6 Months Bank StatementMax. file size: 2 MB.If your business account is new, please provide us with a personal bank statement as well. TERMS AND CONDITIONSTERMS & CONDITIONSWAPPOINT CONTRACT* I accept the Terms & Conditions as listed on Click here to read the Terms & ConditionsCONTRACT SUMMARY* Select All As we need to abide by FICA regulations, we cannot pay out any debit order funds if there are any documents outstanding. We may from time to time request debit order mandates from you. Once we have activated your account, you will receive login details to the customer area of our website. Here you will be able to load all of your debit order customers, load debit order batches and view all reporting, invoices, statements & settlement reports for easier reconciliation of the payments made to you. A Customer can dispute a debit order up to 6 months after processing. You are liable for any failed debit orders. Payment will only be made on the 4TH BUSINESS DAY after a debit order batch run and a 20% surety will be held for 30 days to cover any failed debit orders. We offer 24/7 Support through our Help Desk number 021 3000121. For any assistance, please call this number and not the bank or other help desk numbers. Please take special note of the important bits of information above:I Hereby Accept* Select All I certify that all the information provided herein is correct, accurate and true. I also authorise WAPPOINT to carry out any credit / reference checks to setup my WAPPOINT account. That this is a legal binding contract and not an enquiry form. SALES PERSON Please name the consultant who assisted youCAPTCHAHiddenDate HiddenCustrack Status