Terms & Conditions for Device Only

WAPPOINT CONTRACT – Terms & Conditions for Device Only Customers


      • 1.1 The MERCHANT shall have no claim against WAPPOINT in respect of any transaction not processed through a WAPPoint merchant number. 
      • 1.2 The terminal is bound by authorization given by THE AQUIRING BANK, who reserves the right to decline any authorization, without giving any explanation or reason therefore.
      • 1.3 Any authorization granted shall not be evidence or constitute a warranty of eventual payment by the payment processor, of the validity of the card, of the genuineness of the card (i.e. that the card is not a counterfeit), or that the person presenting the card is the cardholder but is merely an indication that the relevant account has sufficient funds to meet payment as at the date of authorization and that the card has not been reported lost or stolen at the time of the card transaction.


      • 2.1 The MERCHANT’S monthly fees are set out on the WAPPoint contract
      • 2.2 Any changes to the MERCHANT’S Package, must be done in writing by completing the WAPPOINT Contract again and submitting it to WAPPOINT for approval.
      • 2.3 This contract will automatically apply to the last approved WAPPOINT Contract in possession of WAPPOINT.
      • 2.4 WAPPOINT shall be entitled to take all such steps as it may deem necessary to verify the information contained in the MERCHANT’S WAPPOINT Contract (including without limitation access to any credit bureau); furnish any confidential information relating to any account operated by the MERCHANT to THE AQUIRER or to any person or institution which is authorized by law.
      • 2.5 WAPPOINT may adjust the amounts payable by the MERCHANT in terms of the agreement to reflect any increase in the cost to WAPPOINT in providing the services which is due to any factor beyond the control of WAPPOINT. In addition to the aforegoing, WAPPOINT may adjust the amounts payable in terms of this agreement on a yearly basis by an amount equal to the year on year percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or inflation rate or at a fixed percentage of up to 10% per year.


      • 3.1 This agreement will commence on the date of signature of this agreement by the party so last signing and shall remain in force for the duration determined in the WAPPOINT  Contract or until terminated in terms of this agreement.
      • 5.2 The agreement is a month to month agreement but the merchant must give 1 (one) calendar month notice, in writing to WAPPOINT of its intention not to renew this agreement. 


      • 6.1 The MERCHANT hereby authorizes WAPPOINT to debit the nominated bank account with the following items:  adjustments of any errors, whether the MERCHANT or WAPPOINT made such errors; all service and other fees and charges prevailing from time to time as determined at WAPPOINT’s sole discretion including, but not limited to, stamp duties, VAT, collection commission, transaction fees, stationary fees, introductory fees and other fiscal charges payable in respect of this agreement; the full subscription payable by the MERCHANT as stated on the WAPPOINT Contract to WAPPOINT (inclusive of VAT) on the first day of each month. An Interest fee of 2.5% shall accrue on all amounts outstanding calculated from due date until date of final payment, both days inclusive. A failed debit order fee will be charged on all failed debit orders.


      • 5.1 If the MERCHANT breaches or otherwise is in default of any of its obligations under or in terms of this agreement, WAPPOINT shall give the MERCHANT no notice to remedy such breach. WAPPOINT shall be entitled to terminate this agreement without further notice or, alternatively, to claim immediate performance and/or payment from the MERCHANT of all of its obligations in terms of this agreement, whether or not the same are then due for performance or payment, the aforegoing being without prejudice to any rights WAPPOINT may have at law, including the rights to claim damages.
      • 5.2 Without limiting the generality of clause 9.1 it is recorded that the MERCHANT shall deem to have committed a material breach of this agreement should the MERCHANT commit any act of insolvency or effect a compromise or composition with its creditors or should a creditor institute insolvency proceedings against the MERCHANT.
      • 5.3 For purposes of any legal action which may arise from this agreement, the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the magistrate’s court, notwithstanding the fact that such action may otherwise be beyond the jurisdiction of such court Notwithstanding the aforegoing, WAPPOINT shall have the right at its sole discretion to institute legal proceedings against the MERCHANT in any other competent court which may have jurisdiction to entertain such action. This agreement shall in all respects be governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
      • 5.4 A certificate of indebtedness purporting to have been signed by any manager of WAPPOINT (whose authority or capacity need not be proved) shall constitute prima facie (i.e. sufficient proof) of the particulars included therein for purposes of provisional sentence, summary judgment or for any other purpose.


      • 6.1 The parties hereby choose as their domicilium citandi et Executandi (nominated address) as the addresses reflected on the WAPPoint Contract.
      • 6.2 This agreement as amended by WAPPOINT from time to time in writing, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in respect of the subject matter hereof and correctly reflects the intention of the parties and constitutes all arrangements entered into between them.
      • 6.3 No failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part of WAPPOINT in exercising any power or right conferred upon it in terms of this agreement shall operate as a waiver of such power or right, nor shall these be deemed as a novation of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
      • 6.4 Save as expressly otherwise herein provided, this agreement or any part thereof, or any share or interest therein or any rights or obligations hereunder may not be ceded, assigned or otherwise transferred without the prior written consent of the other party.
      • 6.5 The MERCHANT hereby acknowledges that, save as recorded in this agreement, WAPPOINT has given no warranty express or implied, concerning its obligations arising out of this agreement or in respect of any provisions contained in this agreement.
      • 6.6 The MERCHANT’S Directors / Members / Owners hereby jointly and severally, in their personal capacity, assume the liabilities and/or obligations of this contract to WAPPOINT.
      • 6.7 Purchased Credit/Debit Card Terminals come with a 1 Year “Carry-In” warranty on first and/or original device. Second Hand Units do not come with warranty. While being repaired, a loan unit will be made available. Once the warranty period is over, all repairs will be for the owner’s account.
      • 6.8 The MERCHANT understands that the services rendered by WAPPOINT are reliant on independent external service provides including but not limited to banking institutions, cellular networks, tele-communications providers, hardware providers, cell phone handset manufacturers, internet service providers and so forth, that are not under the control of WAPPOINT. The MERCHANT therefore agrees not to hold WAPPOINT liable for any losses or damages incurred as a result of the actions or omissions of such external service providers.
      • 6.9 The MERCHANT understands that the device when taken as part of a rent to own package will only become the physical property of the MERCHANT once all payments originally specified in the agreement are made. If the MERCHANT cancels their package with WAPPoint they will be liable for the balance at the date specified point in their contract which will include one calendar month’s notice. In the event of a PocketPOS package cancellation, the full outstanding amount will be payable by the MERCHANT.
      • 6.10 When you sign this agreement, you confirm that you have read and understood all the terms and conditions of this agreement.


        • 7.1 The MERCHANT agrees that he/she will ensure that any person using any of the WAPPOINT credit card terminals is fully trained on  WAPPOINT. The MERCHANT takes full responsibility for the actions of their employees.
        • 7.2 If a terminal has been rented from WAPPOINT, the MERCHANT must insure the terminal and is liable for all parts of the equipment. If any of the equipment suffers any damages or is lost, the MERCHANT will be responsible for the repair or replacement. The MERCHANT must take proper care of the terminals and treat them with care. In failing to send us the signed Delivery Note Liability Form within 7 days, we will automatically assume that the responsibility has been taken and that the MERCHANT is aware of the insurance clause.
        • 7.3 The MERCHANT will be liable for all call-out or courier fees to deliver a terminal to the MERCHANT or to return a terminal to our offices, even when the terminal is faulty and a swap out is required.
        • 7.4 In the event of a Swap Out: We would never expect a MERCHANT to pay for any of the repair costs on a rental device (unless there are missing or broken parts due to negligence) and subsequently, we would only charge the courier fees to collect the old device and deliver the new device. The MERCHANT can opt for a small subscription fee to be added to the monthly rental invoice so that the MERCHANT does not pay for any couriers related to swap outs that may occur, no matter how frequently the device requires exchanges.
        • 7.5 On the return of a Terminal, the deposit (if any) will be refunded within 2 weeks or 10 business days. If there is damage to the terminal or items missing, the balance due will be subtracted from the deposit and the difference paid out.
        • 7.6 WAPPOINT shall not be held responsible to the MERCHANT for any loss or damage arising from a network breakdown, a system failure, equipment malfunction, the destruction of or damage to facilities caused by power failures or similar occurrences or loss or damage caused by events beyond our control.
        • 7.7 The merchant may not use the terminal for any purpose, other than it’s intended use. These uses include and are limited to card transactions, vending VAS services, and point of sale transactions.
        • 7.8 The ownership of the SIM/s, whether Customer has purchased the terminal or not, shall remain the property of WAPPoint and all SIMs shall be returned to WAPPoint after termination of the service.
        •  7.9 SIM / Connectivity rental fees include a fixed amount of data per SIM card of 10MB. These amounts are set by the SIM manufacturer according to the average usage of a terminal for the purposes of trading numerous transactions daily. To allow for large volume trading, WAPPoint will cover the costs up to 50MB per SIM and any data used over and above this threshold will incur additional data charges at a rate of R0.60 per megabyte and will be billed to the merchant.


Specific exceptions to the benefit

      • The company shall provide a replacement terminal and collect the broken terminal within 24-48 Working Hours or 4-8 hours depending on the subscription chosen. Please note the following:
        • (a) our offices are closed on weekends. In this case, we will provide telephonic support and transaction processing whilst the terminal is out of order and arrange for the device to be swapped out on the next available business day. Alternatively a call out can be arranged within a 50km radius of our branches. We charge a set call out fee plus R3.60 per km and only the 4-8 hr subscription option will cover call outs within a 50km radius of any WAPPoint branch.
        • (b) regional area couriers may take 2-3 working days to deliver once the device has left our premises and we unfortunately do not provide call out services to regional areas.
        • (c) this benefit does not cover any parts or repairs and is only valid on courier or call out fees i.e. the delivery and collection costs to replace a faulty device.
        • (d) Devices that are faulty due to negligence i.e. broken / damaged / lost parts will not be covered and are billed separately.
        • (e) In order for the benefit to be valid, the account may not be overdue.

Purpose of Swap Out Subscriptions

      • The reason why we charge the courier fees for swap outs is due to the fact that your device is similar to a car and therefore requires a “service” from time to time. In the instance of a car, you would be required to take it to the dealership and collect it again after it has received the service. Similarly, you can bring the device to one of our offices to have the swap out done, or we can save you the hassle of driving to us, and arrange the couriers on your behalf. As our devices do not require servicing often, most customers will only require a swap out once a year, depending on how frequently the device is utilised.
      • If you are renting the device from us we would never expect you to pay for any of the repairs (unless there are missing or broken parts due to negligence) and we are only charging for the courier fees / call out fees to collect the old device and deliver the new device. This subscription fee can be added to your monthly rental invoice so that you don’t pay for any couriers related to swap outs that may occur, no matter how frequently your device requires exchanges.

WAPPOINT SERVICE PLAN AGREEMENT – M4 Verifone Terminal & M5 Verifone Terminal

What is not covered?

      • Additional maintenance that may be required as a result of the WAPPoint Mobile Credit Card operated in severe or unusual conditions
      • Additional maintenance that may be required as a result of any modification made to the WAPPoint Terminal.
      • Additional maintenance that may be required as a result of:
        • Accident, damage, abuse or misuse or consequential damage as a result of such an action.
        • Failure to use the WAPPoint Terminal in accordance with the instruction contained in the User Guide
        • The WAPPoint Terminal being serviced by persons other than WAPPoint’s chief Supplier.
        • Fitment of non genuine WAPPoint Supplier Parts.
      • Any repairs required as a result of continued operation of the WAPPoint Terminal once a defect has occurred. (including loss of accessories)
      • Lost or Stolen WAPPoint Terminal and Accessories or Plastic Parts. This includes where the SIM/s has been damaged, lost or stolen which shall include, but not be limited to, the recovery and replacement costs of the SIM as well.
      • Courier fees for delivering and collecting the Device from Repair Centre and client. For this we offer Premium Support
      • This service plan does not include the replacement of an Un-fixable / “Written Off” or Redundant Terminal.

What is covered?

      • Normal wear and tear of WAPPoint Terminal accessories. This includes the Plastic Parts of the Handset: Inspection cover Grey, Top Case Handset Grey, Bottom case Handset Grey, Printer cover and Keypad Shield, the Handset itself: Printer , Printer Roller, Keypad Layer, Smart Card Reader, Maghead Support, Zebra Connector, Maghead, Printer Support, Battery  Pack Lith-ion, Display , Antenna GSM, PCB Grid Mesh Box , Keyboard PCB , Power Supply M Series, Lithium Cell and the Base: Base Motherboard, Base Bottom Case, Base Top Case, that are In- or Out of Warranty
      • General Maintenance and Labour done by WAPPoint and Supplier
      • Compulsory Key Injection in order to ensure the Device is PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliant

Additional Notes

    • Outstanding Premiums or overdue premiums will result in your claim not being paid out.
    • This WAPPoint Service Plan includes a Loan Terminal so that you are able to transact whilst your device is in for repairs.
    • If the Repair Costs and Accessories or Part Replacement exceeds the current value of the device, it will be regarded as “Written off”. The current value will be determined by the age of the Terminal
    • This WAPPoint Service Plan only includes the maintenance and repair of the Broken WAPPoint Terminal Accessories or Parts and does not include the total replacement of the Terminal.
    • This WAPPoint Service Plan can only be obtained prior to a machine breaking.
    • The WAPPoint Service Plan is only available to customers who have purchased their devices or during a rent-to-own contract once the warranty period has lapsed.


Information that needs to be correct

In order to ensure that we have your correct details, and to help speed up the settlement of any claim, it is very important that you advise us if any of your information recorded is incorrect, as well as of any changes in the future: Address, Account Holder and Company Information or Banking Details. To make changes to your details, send us an Email to [email protected] or Fax to 086 6720496.

Premium Obligations

Your premiums are payable in advance for the month or exhibition period ahead. In the case of monthly customers, payment is due by the 7th of each month. If you have chosen a debit order payment method, the premiums will be deducted with your WAPPoint Subscriptions in the beginning of each month. If the premium for your policy is not received timeously, you will not have cover for the period for which you did not pay

Your Excess

Your Excess is payable as soon as the claim has been approved. Excess is calculated by the difference between replacement value and claim paid.

Circumstances in which benefits will not be provided

a) Incorrect information or non-disclosure or misrepresentation of information may influence an insurer on any claims arising from your contract of insurance and may influence the insurer’s decision to accept or terminate your policy.
b) It is very important that you tell us as soon as possible if any of the details on your schedule change. Failure to do so could result in your claim being declined.
c) Theft or Loss of the insured Terminal that was not reported to the police within 48 (forty-eight) hours after it was Stolen will result in your claim being declined.
d) Outstanding Premiums or overdue premiums will result in your claim not being paid out.
e) Damage to the property is not covered in this premium. Damages will be charged for according to the current rate or value of the item that is damaged.
f) Only theft or loss of the property as a whole will be covered, eg machine, base & charger. If property uses rented SIM cards, the replacement cost of the SIM card will be billed.
g) Theft of loss of individual items such as SIM Cards, Chargers, Bases, Bags, Adapters, etc are not covered by Terminal Insurance and will be billed individually if they are lost / stolen
h) Claims due to Damage or Loss of Terminal from a political or non-political riot, strike, civil & public violence, war, terrorism, load shedding & natural disasters will not be approved
i) Damage or Loss during the lease of the insured Terminal to a third party will not be covered.
j) Claims due to no usage on the Terminal prior to date of Loss, Theft or Damage, will not be covered.

Specific exceptions

The company shall not be liable for: Loss of the property resulting from or caused by
a) theft from any unattended vehicle in the custody or control of the insured or any principal, partner, director or employee of the insured unless the property is contained in a completely closed and securely locked vehicle or the vehicle itself is housed in a securely locked building and entry to or exit from such locked vehicle or building is accompanied by forcible and violent entry or exit;
b) theft from any unattended vehicle unless the property was contained out of sight in a securely locked boot or glove compartment
c) theft due to negligence by any person i.e. leaving the device unattended in any public place.
d) detention, confiscation or requisition by customs or other officials or authorities;
e) loss of or damage to cash, bank and currency notes, coins, bonds, coupons, stamps, negotiable instruments, title deeds, manuscripts or securities of any kind.
f) dishonesty of any chief , partner or director whether acting alone or collectively with others;
g) “wear and tear” or gradual decline, including the gradual exploit of climatic or atmospheric conditions

Specific Conditions

If the total value of property insured which is not separately and individually specified is, at the time of the happening of any loss of such property, of greater value than the sum insured thereon, the insured shall be considered as being his own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable share of the amount of the loss. Each item of the schedule covering such property shall be separately subject to this condition. The basis upon which the amount payable is to be calculated shall be the replacement of the property by similar property in a condition equal to, but not better nor more extensive than, its condition when new provided that if, at the time of replacement, the sum representing the cost which would have been incurred in replacement if the whole of the property had been lost, exceeds the sum insured thereon at the commencement of the loss, then the insured shall be considered as being their own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable proportion of the loss accordingly.



We respect your privacy and will take reasonable measures to protect it, as stipulated below.

Should you decide to register as a client, we may require you to provide us with personal information which includes but is not limited to –

your name and surname;
your email address;
your company and personal FICA documents;
your physical address;
your gender;
your mobile number; and
your date of birth.

Should your personal information change, please inform us and provide us with updates to your personal information as soon as reasonably possible to enable us to update your personal information.

This Website may make use of “cookies” to automatically collect information and data through the standard operation of the Internet servers. “Cookies” are small text files a website can use (and which we may use) to recognise repeat users, facilitate the user’s on-going access to and use of a website and allow a website to track usage behaviour and compile aggregate data that will allow the website operator to improve the functionality of the website and its content. The type of information collected by cookies is not used to personally identify you. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the cookie feature. Please note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with certain features available on our Website, and thus if you disable the cookies on your browser you may not be able to use those features, and your access to our Website will therefore be limited. If you do accept a “cookie”, you thereby consent to our use of any personal information collected by us using that cookie subject to the provisions of below.

You may choose to provide additional personal information to us, in which event you agree to provide accurate and current information, and not to impersonate or misrepresent any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or anything.

The purposes for which we will use your personal information are as follows:

in relation to the sale and delivery of Goods;

to contact you regarding current or new goods or services;

to inform you of new features, special offers and promotional competitions (provided you have consented to receiving such marketing material); and

to improve your experience on our Website by, inter alia, monitoring statistical non-personal browsing habits, and to transact with us.

WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd will not use your personal information for any purpose (other than as stated above) without your express consent. We will not use or disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, unless the use or disclosure is –

required in order to comply with applicable law, order of court or legal process served on WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd; and/or

disclosure is necessary to protect and defend the rights or property of WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd.

We will be entitled to disclose your personal information to those of our employees and/or third party service providers who assist us to interact with you via our Website or email, for the sale of Goods and Services or when delivering Goods or Services to you, and thus need to know your personal information in order to assist us to communicate with you effectively and efficiently. We will ensure that all such employees and/or third party service providers having access to your personal information are bound by appropriate and legally binding confidentiality and non-use obligations in relation to your personal information.

We will –

treat your personal information as strictly confidential;

take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal information is kept secure and is protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, alteration, disclosure or access;

promptly notify you if we become aware of any unauthorised use, disclosure or processing of your personal information;

We will not retain your personal information longer than the period for which it was originally needed, unless we are required by law to do so, or you consent to us retaining such information for a longer period.

WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd undertakes never to sell or make your personal information available to any third party unless we are compelled to do so by law. In particular, in the event of a fraudulent online payment, WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to disclose relevant personal information for criminal investigation purposes or in line with any other legal obligation for disclosure of the personal information which may be required of it.

Whilst we will do all things reasonably necessary to protect your rights of privacy, we cannot guarantee or accept any liability whatsoever for unauthorised or unlawful disclosures of your personal information, whilst in our possession, made by third parties who are not subject to our control, unless such disclosure is as a result of our gross negligence.

If you disclose your personal information to a third party, such as an entity which operates a website linked to this Website or anyone other than WAPPoint (Pty) Ltd, WAPPOINT (PTY) LTD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, HOWSOEVER ARISING, SUFFERED BY YOU AS A RESULT OF THE DISCLOSURE OF SUCH INFORMATION TO THE THIRD PARTY. This is because we do not regulate or control how that third party uses your personal information. You should always ensure that you read the privacy policy of any third party.

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