Tip Me Contract "*" indicates required fields AGENT / COMPANY WHO REFERRED YOU If applicable, please name the company who brought you to usApplicant TypeCTA (Car Guard)Petrol AttendantDriverEmployerOtherCompany DetailsCOMPANY Please do not enter any special characters TRADING AS BUSINESS TYPEPlease SelectIndividualCCPty LtdTrustNPOIncorporationOtherREGISTRATION NO VAT NO. PHONE WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK PAGE Personal DetailsNAME* SURNAME* NATIONALITY ID / PASSPORT NO* If Passport No, Please supply date of birth as wellCELL* EMAIL Where do you work? Shopping Centre / Petrol Station Name (if applicable) Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Your FICA AddressPACKAGECARD ACCEPTANCE PACKAGE SCAN TO PAY: R0 Setup + R0pm Prices Include VATTransaction Fees* 2.75% Per Transaction (VAT Inclusive) Prices Include VATDelivery ArrangementsDELIVERY / COLLECTION ARRANGEMENTSSpecify Delivery TypePlease SelectNone- Already Delivered - R0.00Email - I will print the QR Code myself - R0.00Courier from WAPPoint Office - R70.00QR Code Serial Number Delivery Address Same as FICA Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please specify your PHYSICAL address for the courier to deliver / collect your packageBank INTO DetailsBANK NAME*Please SelectABSAAfrican BankBank of AthensBidvestCapitecFNBInvestecNedbankSA Post BankStandard BankTyme BankOtherACCOUNT HOLDER* ACCOUNT NUMBER* ACCOUNT TYPE*ChequeSavingsCurrentTransmissionCredit CardACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TYPEChequeSavingsCurrentTransmissionCredit CardAlternative Contact DetailsALTERNATIVE CONTACTS: Please supply us with 2 Alternative Persons we may contact if your number changes or you are unreachableContact Person First Name* Contact Number* Contact Person First Name* Contact Number* FICA Documents: Can be sent by email after submission or uploaded hereAs we provide a banking service, the bank requires us to keep our customersโ files FICA approved at all times. We therefore ask that you attach the following documents as indicated below. If you do not have them on hand to attach right now, you can submit the form without this and email them to [email protected] later.Upload a Copy Of ID / Passport for each Owner/Director/Trustee Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. Preferably certified and preferably in Colour. If Passport, please submit your work permit as well.Upload Your Company Registration Documents (If Applicable) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. Not applicable to individuals as this is not a requirement of utilising our services. Upload a Proof of Address Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. May not be older than 3 monthsHiddenStore photo Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. Upload a Bank Statement/Bank Confirmation Letter Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. If your business account is new, please provide us with a personal bank statement as well. TERMS AND CONDITIONSTERMS & CONDITIONSWAPPOINT CONTRACT* I accept the Terms & Conditions as listed on https://wappoint.co.za/terms-conditions As we need to abide by FICA regulations, we cannot pay out any transactions if there are any documents outstanding. Once we have activated your account, you will receive login details to the customer area of our website. Here you will be able to access all of your transactions, reporting, invoices, statements & settlement reports for easier reconciliation of the payments made to you. You need to ensure that transactions have been approved for the correct amount before concluding any sale. WAPPoint cannot be held liable for any losses or damages, that might be incurred when giving products to clients without receiving proper authorisation from the Bank. Always settle the device if unsure or ask the cardholder to call their bank as an SMS is not a proper authorisation from the bank. Although this is very rare, a Cardholder can dispute a transaction up to 6 months after processing. You need to ensure that your paperwork or vouchers are perfectly in order for us to protect you and send them to us immediately upon request so that we may fight the case on your behalf. Payment will only be made on Thursdays to reflect in your account by Friday. Devices must be settled in order for us to settle you. We offer 24/7 Support through our Help Desk number 021 3000121. For any assistance, please call this number and not the bank or other help desk numbers. Select AllPlease take special note of the important bits of information above:I Hereby Accept* I certify that all the information provided herein is correct, accurate and true. I also authorise WAPPOINT to carry out any credit / reference checks to setup my WAPPOINT account. That this is a legal binding contract and not an enquiry form. Select AllSALES PERSON Please name the consultant who assisted youCAPTCHAHiddenCustrack Status