Transaction Successful

This page is 3D Secure

Transaction Receipt


Phone:021 300 0121

Email:[email protected]




Card Type:


Card Number:


Cardholder Name:

Cardholder Reference: 
 Acquirer Code: <AcquirerCode></AcquirerCode>



Budget Period:




Auth Code:


Aquirer Reference:


Merchant Reference:


Cardholder Presence:


Transaction RRN:


Transaction Date:



SIGNATURE ___________________________


Merchant No: <MerchantUSN></MerchantUSN>

Entry Mode:<ElectronicCommerceIndicator></ElectronicCommerceIndicator>

Processed by WAPPoint

Please complete data into every field. Amount must be in South African Rands.

Ensure your card is 3D secure enabled to process online payments.

Select 'process payment' for your bank to send an OTP PIN to your phone.

The merchant will be notified of your payment and will contact you via email.

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