Rent a Card Machine for an Event

Accept credit card payments at your next expo, market or festival

0 +

Fastest Turnaround

We can get you up and runing in 1-3 days or less!

VIP Service

No call centers & queues. We give you real people.


We offer a complete recon of your sales - csv or online

Competitive Rates

Various packages to suite your budget

Free POS Software

Track your sales by product and manage inventory

Remote Assistance

We can login & repair most issues remotely


We offer a complete recon of your sales - csv or online

Competitive Rates

Various packages to suite your budget

Card Machine Expo Rental Packages

Once you make a selection, complete our hassle free online sign up and we’ll deliver within 1-3 days!

tap on phone product block

Tap on Phone - R0

Apply once, use Forever


Expo Rental - R79 ex VAT

Expo Rental up to 3 weeks/ December Period from 10 Dec-10 Jan

WAPPoint minipos card machine

Expo Rental - R229 ex VAT

Expo Rental up to 3 weeks/ December Period from 10 Dec-10 Jan

wappoint PrintPOS card machine dual display

Expo Rental - R399 ex VAT

Expo Rental up to 3 weeks/ December Period from 10 Dec-10 Jan

Preferred Exhibition Card Machine Provider since 2004!

Need to hire a card machine just for an event or do you need a machine for a short time period? We offer expo card machine rental packages, 24/7/365 Support and we keep backup expo card machine devices on site at major events. If you have especially busy periods in your business like the festive season or Black Friday, we can help you cater for the rush with one of our short term card machine rentals.


How WAPPoint Works to Assist Organisers and Exhibitors

Higher Revenues Per Exhibitor

Many exhibitors trade seasonally (per event) or cannot take their card machines out of their stores so they only need a card machine for an event.  Unfortunately, other service providers impose “purchase only” deals or fixed term contracts with minimum turnover requirements and as a result, exhibitors then choose to opt for no card machine at all. This causes them to have an unsuccessful event as accepting cash only is no longer an option and end up blaming the organisers for their failure to make sales. If Organisers inform exhibitors about WAPPoint and all the benefits we provide (short term rental, fast sign up, on site backups, free backup terminals etc), we can help your exhibitors to become more successful ensuring their return year after year.

Other Benefits to Organisers

By partnering with us for your next event, you can gain  the following:


Some Of Our Partner Organisers

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