Financial & Cashflow

How Long Does It Take to Get Business Funding

How Long Does It Take to Get Business Funding?

As a business owner, securing the necessary funds to grow your enterprise is crucial. One of the most common questions we receive is: “How long does it take to get business funding?” The answer depends on various factors, but with the right partner, the process can be streamlined significantly. The Process Simplified with Merchant Capital …

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Renting vs purchasing

Renting vs. Purchasing a Card Machine: Weighing the Benefits for Your Business

In today’s cashless world, card payments have become the norm, and for businesses of all sizes, having a card machine is essential. However, when it comes to acquiring this necessary tool, business owners face a crucial decision: whether to rent or purchase a card machine. Each option has its own set of benefits, and in …

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WAPPoint Point of sale system. Image credit

Why every business needs a Point Of Sale System

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses need to be efficient and streamlined to remain competitive. One of the best ways to do this is by implementing a Point Of Sale System (POS). A POS system is a combination of hardware and software that allows businesses to process transactions, manage inventory, and track sales all in one …

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Affordable load shedding solutions for your business

Several reports now estimate that South Africa will experience severe load shedding for the next two or more years. You need to think smart and find affordable load shedding solutions to keep you up and running during power cuts and not allow load shedding to kill your business. Learn the truth about our current load …

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How to grow your small business with these money management tips

Start this year with a bang and plan with these great money management tips. What is ‘financial management? It is the process of handling your business’s finances through setting goals, budgeting, tracking expenses, income, and investing. Failing to manage your money wisely, can lead to problems such as having a negative cash flow, making late …

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4 Reasons why you should consider a card payment solution for your business and not just rely on EFT or cash sales

If your business is only accepting cash and EFT & you feel you don’t need a card machine, then this article will be very interesting to you. Many business owners think that accepting cash and EFT is good enough but often don’t realise the vast number of clients who chose to shop elsewhere because of …

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5 Ways To Get Business Funding

2020 was a tough year for business owners. Those who received some sort of business funding will tell you that this was a real life-saver to their business and got them through the worst of it but also helped them grow their businesses.   Many business owners only start looking into funding options when their businesses are failing and often that …

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How to get the lowest card machine transaction fee rates

If you’re accepting card payments, you’re bound to incur a card transaction fee on every sale. This is a fee imposed on banks by Visa and Mastercard or similar card associations but you may have noticed that many service providers also charge a minimum turnover fee (a fee based on achieving a defined amount of …

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